How to Make Catholic Snowflake Art for Kids

Primary Blog/Winter/How to Make Catholic Snowflake Art for Kids

If you are looking for a fun winter art project that also has a beautiful faith connection, then this project is for you! It can be used with children as young as 4 years old (with the help of the templates and extra prep) to 8 years old. Not only does it help children explore important art concepts such as pattern, repetition and even symmetry, but it also emphasizes God's unique purpose for all of us through the help of this precious book.


The Tiny Snowflake
by Arthur Ginolfi is such a sweet story that makes a wonderful faith connection for kids as they create their snowflakes. The illustrations include a variety of colored snowflakes in different shapes and sizes. Feel free to experiment with different colors of paper like pink and dark blue, allowing the children to create their own individual snowflake with some added sparkle of course with the glitter paint!


Here is what you will need to make a fun little snowflake to go along with the book:

  • 9" x 9" white paper
  • 9" x 9" purple or blue paper
  • 9" x 6" purple or blue or teal paper
  • 3" x 3" purple paper (or same color as your 9"x9")
  • Crayon or pencil for tracing
  • Scissors & glue
  • White tempera paint
  • Blue glitter paint (optional)
  • Round sponge brushes and/or q-tips
  • Star shape sponge brush (optional)
  • Kitchen sponge cut in half
  • Cardboard square
  • Palette or mixing surfaces
  • Snowflake templates... Download my free templates by clicking the box below:


Check out the VIDEO tutorial that takes you through all the steps here:

*Prepare the shapes ahead of time for young children (4 and under). OR you could have your child help trace and you do the cutting OR you could have your child practice cutting since the lines and shapes are simple. Wherever you child is at with these skills, just meet them there. :)


  • Fold purple 9" x 9" paper in half and trace the large snowflake template along the fold. Cut out and set aside with the white paper square (background). Repeat this step for blue or teal paper square with the medium snowflake shape. Feel free to use whatever colors you'd like!
  • Trace the small snowflake shape onto the small 3" x 3" paper and cut out.
  • Sponge paint white paper background with blue glitter paint or pain blue paint or even watercolor! (You could also use dark blue paper and white paint sponged on for the background). Glue large paper snowflake then medium one on top.
  • With a star shape sponge brush (or just a round one), sponge white paint in the center. Follow with dipping the cardboard square or rectangle into the white paint and print radiating lines from the center.
  • Add white dots with round sponge brush.

Ta-da! My daughter LOVED making her snowflake. We hope you and your kids can too.

Let us know what you think! If you read this book and did the project, please tag us on Instagram: @littleholyhearts

​We'd love to see what you make!

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Hi, I'm Marisa!

Founder of Little Holy Hearts

And my mission is to help you transform art time with kids into meaningful moments that help their love for Christ and His Church shine in their art and in their hearts!

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